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March 27, 2015

Agents of Socialization Project

Agents of Socialization 

Here are two of my agents

We have learned that sociologists study how groups in our society impact the individual.  This is the interactionist perspective of sociology.  Essentially, sociologists believe that the different "roles" that you play have been "scripted" by the society in which you live (e.g. masculine and feminine gender roles).  We also know that you learned how to play your roles from the "agents of socialization."  That means that you, as an individual, have been constructed.  How you act, how you dress, what you do, who you hang out with--all of these things can be explained to some extent by the agents of socialization.

Purpose:  Your task is to "deconstruct" yourself from a sociological perspective.  Explain how the four agents of socialization have created you. The purpose of this project is to understand that these agents have impacted on your life and these agents shape who you are.

Task:  Create a visual representation of you and how the four agents have constructed you. The visual images can be a mix of photographs, ads, pictures, drawings, quotes, lyrics, you get the idea. It can be displayed through such things as a;

-          Collage
-          Scrapbook
-          Poster
-          Power point presentation
-          Website
-          Self Portrait

Remember this project is all about you and nobody knows you better than you do!  
So just think about your life, identity and all the people and things that have made you, you!

Agents of Socialization Rubric

Knowledge and Understanding of the Agents of Socialization as discussed in the sociological context is accurately described throughout the component.

Very strong knowledge and understanding is evident by well presented descriptions of the various Agents of Socialization.

Strong knowledge and understanding is evident by strong, well presented descriptions of the various Agents of Socialization.

Some knowledge and understanding is evident in the descriptions of the various Agents of Socialization more thought and detail may be needed.

Little accurate knowledge and understanding of the key facts about the Agents of Socialization are presented.

Application: Visual matches the written component of the task and it is presented in a creative, bold, and accurate manner.

Very strong connections are made between the Agents of Socialization to your own life and identity throughout the project.

Strong connections are made between the Agents of socialization that were chosen to your own life and identity throughout the project.

There are some connections made between the Agents of Socialization and your own life and identity, a more complete effort is needed.

Little connections were made between the Agents of Socialization that were selected to your own life and identity. Little thought has been put into making connections throughout the project.

Communication:  Presentation of written ideas (spelling, grammar, construction of ideas etc)

Communication of the visual component has
Style (various imagery has clarity, impact etc) and presentation (layout, wording, thought and attention to detail)

Very strong communication shows attention to detail and allows the reader to appreciate overall concepts. It is clear that you have edited carefully and put strong thought into the presentation of this project.

Communication of the visual component is very effective and has great style and presentation.

Strong communication, errors are present but they do not hamper understanding.  More editing may be required to reach the next level

Communication of the visual component is effective and has style and presentation.

Some effort has
gone into the communication but there are errors that hamper the readers understanding.

Communication of the visual component is somewhat effective some style and presentation. 

Little effort has gone into the overall communication. Serious errors hamper the readers understanding.

Communication of the visual component limited and lacks effort in style and presentation.

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