"It's not enough just to swing at the ball; you've got to loosen your girdle and really let the ball have it."
~Mildred Babe Didrikson
~Mildred Babe Didrikson
In the 1920s, the trend in high schools was to eliminate interscholastic sports for girls because of "undue stress" and "morbid social influences." During this same time period when Mildred Babe Didrikson earned her nickname for hitting a baseball like Babe Ruth, she was also swimming, diving, bowling, running, and playing lacrosse. She went to the 1932 Olympics for track and afterward became a professional golfer.America is bound together by a democratic vision of liberty, equality, and justice. In order to preserve that vision and bring it into daily practice, all citizens need to understand American history to tell us who we are and who we are becoming.
Focusing on primary and secondary sources, students will examine history and analyze events. Students will evaluate information and cultivate a perspective that comes from the development of a chronological view of the past down to the present day. Historical knowledge and patterns of thought are indispensable to the education of citizens in a participatory democracy.
--K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Framework
Students are expected to come to class each day with their notebook, textbook, something to write with, and their assignments completed. Students are expected to behave courteously toward others and others' property. Any student whose behavior is such that it infringes upon the education of others will be asked to leave the room. That day will count as an unexcused absence. The offensive student will not receive credit for the day.
Make-up is the responsibility of the student. After being absent, students are expected to see me for missed work the day they return. Students may see me before or after class for this purpose. Missed quizzes will be made up after school. Work and quizzes still not completed after a week of the absence will be counted as a zero.
Work is expected in on the due date for full credit. Students have one day to pass in late work, however the highest grade possible will be 80% if work is satisfactory. No credit will be given for assignments beyond one day late.
Quizzes and Projects 40%
Written Work (e.g. homework,
essays, reports, class work) 30%
Final 20%
Extra Assignments
Extra assignments are offered to help students master the competencies.