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October 11, 2011

Women & Makeup & the Economy

 According to a survey put out by L'Oreal: 

While 40% of women in the US have changed the makeup shades they buy in an attempt to be more 'natural' during the current economic hardships, 90% report no change in their use of makeup because of the recession.

Other findings include:
  • Nearly 50% of US women believe wearing cosmetics gives them an edge at work and makes them feel more in charge.
  • 40% US women are wearing more neutral shades and a more natural makeup style than before the economic downturn.
The research also found that the majority of women in the US are not compromising on hair care these days.

Why are women behaving this way?  Is there a correlation between makeup and the economy or are natural shades simply "in" this year?

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