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March 8, 2013

Make a Brain

Make a Brain

  to create a three dimensional model that demonstrates the structures of the brain
    this may be a hanging model

  You must either number the parts of your model and make a key or label them directly on the model.
  Your model should be approximately life-sized and split in half so that we can see the inner sides of both hemispheres.
  Each of the following structures must be modeled:

cerebral cortex         frontal lobe                occipital lobe              temporal lobe
parietal lobe              cerebellum                 thalamus                    hypothalamus
medulla                      pons                            hippocampus             amygdala

Broca                          Wernicke                   pituitary gland

Suggested Materials

macaroni                                sculpting clay                        jelly beans
marshmallows                       glue                                         food coloring
Styrofoam                              markers                                 cauliflower
Tinfoil                                     recyclables                             paint
Play dough                             Papier-mâché          

Have Fun!

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